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About Therians

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 1:42 am
by Teh_DarkJokerWolf

This is fascinating!! I love reading all I can about therians, tho I pretty much know wat one is. Z showed me this an I thought I should post it here in hopes of starting some interesting discussion on it. I am eager to hear input back on this.

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 2:27 am
by takyoji
Very interesting article. So then would that mean I'd be considered a contherianthrope or something? And I guess it would mean that sometimes I've had "Phantom shifts", but no awkward cases. Never really new there was such a belief before... And as an exception I can't exactly meditate nor lucid dream (yet).
But otherwise it's a very realistic belief rather than believing in being a physical werewolf, I guess :P

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 2:44 am
by Teh_DarkJokerWolf
takyoji wrote:Very interesting article. So then would that mean I'd be considered a contherianthrope or something? And I guess it would mean that sometimes I've had "Phantom shifts", but no awkward cases. Never really new there was such a belief before...
But otherwise it's a very realistic belief rather than believing in being a physical werewolf, I guess :P
My belief on the actual shifting of the human body is that shifting will be possible, but not now as it happens. No one has the ability YET but in time will gain that ability when the time is right, but for now the body can only have partial shifts, or phantom shifts, mental, etc...No physcial shifting is able to be done for the time being

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 3:10 am
by *nagowteena*
wow, that had a lot of helpful info!!

I had started to realize I was a therian when I was 8.

oh though I didn't know about therians until I got internet, about a little over a year ago.
I've had a few phantom shifts every now and then, and a lot of dream shifts. only time I had a mental shift was when I was 9, or 10.

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 3:49 am
by Morkulv
I don't want to offend any therians, but all I've read about therianthropy so far over the last years (and I've read a lot) only makes me mindboggling why so many people within this 'label' (I don't know what else to call it) restrain they'r thoughts to a few basic lines. Or at least, so it seems to me. Maybe I'm wrong.

Let me explain what in my opinion the whole term otherkin is and stands for. Just one thing to point out though; you don't have to believe every word I say, although I have no reason to lie about anything. So don't say I force believes on any of you people, I'm not a nazi.

A otherkin is bluntly put, someone with a second or more (inhuman) soul(s). So that being said, it is a soul you must reason with and get to know him/her. That way, you can train yourself into merging yourself together with that soul (wich is something a lot of otherkin and therians are after, I would say) energetically whenever you want or need to as one. Or you could just take his form using energy. But again, you will need knowledge and practising with working with energy and your chakra's.

To contact your potential otherkin, you can simply use meditations. In those meditations, you have to contact your inner world (every soul has a inner world) to reach to your otherkin (if you at least are otherkin). Otherkin and souls in general can also be created, by somebody who knows what he's doing or simply by yourself wich can also be done on a subconscious level. So your otherkin can also be incomplete, but if you have the right knowledge you can complete your otherkin with energy.

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 12:55 pm
by Teh_DarkJokerWolf
Morkulv wrote:I don't want to offend any therians, but all I've read about therianthropy so far over the last years (and I've read a lot) only makes me mindboggling why so many people within this 'label' (I don't know what else to call it) restrain they'r thoughts to a few basic lines. Or at least, so it seems to me. Maybe I'm wrong.

Let me explain what in my opinion the whole term otherkin is and stands for. Just one thing to point out though; you don't have to believe every word I say, although I have no reason to lie about anything. So don't say I force believes on any of you people, I'm not a nazi.

A otherkin is bluntly put, someone with a second or more (inhuman) soul(s). So that being said, it is a soul you must reason with and get to know him/her. That way, you can train yourself into merging yourself together with that soul (wich is something a lot of otherkin and therians are after, I would say) energetically whenever you want or need to as one. Or you could just take his form using energy. But again, you will need knowledge and practising with working with energy and your chakra's.

To contact your potential otherkin, you can simply use meditations. In those meditations, you have to contact your inner world (every soul has a inner world) to reach to your otherkin (if you at least are otherkin). Otherkin and souls in general can also be created, by somebody who knows what he's doing or simply by yourself wich can also be done on a subconscious level. So your otherkin can also be incomplete, but if you have the right knowledge you can complete your otherkin with energy.
No offense taken at all. This is a good point you have made about meditation. I agree with that you can come in contact with your inner being. Meditation I believe is a very important act that should be done regularly to keep your inner being and ur self in tact. Inhuman soul. Well put I believe because the way most therains believe it is a being within which has a soul as does ur human form, but you are still one. I dunno if that makes any sense. I feel that the inner being and urself are connected at all times an sometimes ur more aware of it then other times. That meditation helps that connection stay strong and that to me says that when that time comes ur connection with that inner being will make the difference. It's more to it then just knowing it's there, but feeling it an experiencing it through as much mental an physcially as possible will help that.

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 4:17 pm
by cumulusprotagonist
cumulusprotagonist wrote:Been reading about how people feel that their soul is that of another animal.

I do not think the soul is a species.

A connection with one species of animal may be created based upon the soul's asthetic taste.

Also if reincarnation was a real thing this would explain a strong spiritual connection concerning asthetic taste and the animal the soul liked being the most.

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 5:38 pm
by Set
(Note: There is a very prominent figure in the therian community who identifies herself as both a wolf and a dragon.)
She's quite a stuck-up little b****, I had the misfortune of running into her once.
Morkulv wrote:Let me explain what in my opinion the whole term otherkin is and stands for.

(Cut out the rest)
Sounds more like you're describing an animal totem to me.
cumulusprotagonist wrote:Also if reincarnation was a real thing this would explain a strong spiritual connection concerning asthetic taste and the animal the soul liked being the most.
Problem with that is not everyone gets reincarnated. You can be a Therian/Otherkin and still only have one life.

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 6:04 pm
by Shadow Wulf
You know, I still don't know what animal am I the most connected to. I like wolves, all I draw is werewolves and anthro wolves. But Im not sure if I'm connected to, is there anyway I can figure this out?

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 6:10 pm
by Teh_DarkJokerWolf
Shadow Wulf wrote:You know, I still don't know what animal am I the most connected to. I like wolves, all I draw is werewolves and anthro wolves. But Im not sure if I'm connected to, is there anyway I can figure this out?
Might I suggest doing some soul searching through meditation? Mork made a good point about that an that's the best advice that can be offered to you right now.

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 6:20 pm
by Shadow Wulf
I'll give it a try tonight. Thanks joker and Morkulv.

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 7:02 pm
by tyger
this is sort of how I came to be who I am characteristicly. I did some meditation.. or tried.. my brain loves to think and poder so quieting my thoughts was pretty difficult. Tiger's stripes had always been hypnotizing to me BUT! I was convinced I was a werewolf I can remember when I was 9 on a full moon night wishing on the first star I saw to become a werewolf and then watching to see if I would transform. that never happened :p

But I did learn that yes there is werewolves but there are other kinds of weres as well. I was intregued I had to learn more going online back in the late 90's ^^ and I had a theory I might be a tiger.. and not just cause they looked cool and kinda liked them. but I had dreams very very lucid dreams that felt soo real. I thoguht it might be something trying to tell me something. I have told this story or part of the story many times.

but I went to a warehouse of furnature.. I don't wanna be an advertiser so I'll just say it wasn't a europian furnature warehouse.. nor canadian, or mexican. ^-^ and they were having pics taken with tigers. most people had the handler place the tiger next to them. he placed the 6 month old cub about 150 pounds or so in my lap! and I knew and felt instantly, a kinship. kinda like some friends went to a wolf perservation and felt " brother!" I was like my search is over, I found the first step what I am.. but who? that was where meditation came in. a voice whispered Tyger Strype being my last name. ^^ so yeah. I'm a fond endorser of what the info was telling. I may be part furry but I am also a Therian as well :)

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 8:40 pm
by MoonKit
"Therians Can Spot Other Therians - While Killa was originally drawn to Caerwyn by the latter's wolfishness, this was a rare case. It is difficult to distinguish therians from normal humans, especially if they have not yet become aware of their spirits. Aura-readers and psychics might have better luck in this area."

Complete bull. I know a 'therian', 'elf', 'vampire' or 'faerie' as soon as I see it an they recognize me immediatly. Sometimes its not easy to pinpoint exactly what they are without stereotypical clues (ex. were with a wolf shirt or vampire in all black) but you know (or at least I do) that they are different right off the bat. I can even pinpoint people who dont yet know what they are.

So that statement I do not agree with.

Other then that, I really really hate titles. Im at the point where if someone asked me if I was a were I would say "what would it matter?" I do things and feels things that are different then other people but I dont want to be wrapped up with a pretty title. :D

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 10:13 pm
by Silverclaw
Complete bull. I know a 'therian', 'elf', 'vampire' or 'faerie' as soon as I see it an they recognize me immediatly. Sometimes its not easy to pinpoint exactly what they are without stereotypical clues (ex. were with a wolf shirt or vampire in all black) but you know (or at least I do) that they are different right off the bat. I can even pinpoint people who dont yet know what they are.
You should open up a stand. There'd be a line and you could just point and go, "Elf"..."Wolf"...."Dragon"..."Human"..."Moose"...ect :wink:

So, what is the right way to meditate? All I'd end up doing is think of the same junk as usual and fall asleep most likely :P

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 11:23 pm
by RedEye
If you fall asleep, you're obviously doing the wrong thing. Meditation is actually quite intensive, sleep isn't an option.

First, you need to calm yourself down. Get comfortable, but not too comfortable (like you;d be able to sit for some time, but not nod off).
Focus on one thing, and one thing only. If your mind wanders, keep coming back to the same thing and keep focussing on it. Try to tune out as many outside noises as you can; learn to ignore talking, radios, the phone, TV...focus in!
Keep focussed on one thing. Eventually, you'll start feeling aware, and yet calm and at peace. Keep this up. Keep focussed on the thing you are desirous of meditating on.
Don't expect it to happen the first time: just keep at it for a few days. What you're doing is training your mind to concentrate on a single thing, and that is very difficult at first.
Persist! Eventually, after four or five times, you'll find yourself very calm and very mentally active at the same time: this is the entryway to meditation. Then choose a subject that you have studied up on-such as Therianism. Focus, focus, focus: let your mind start working on the concept of having a separate-other-awareness. Find it. Follow it.

That's what I did. It took nearly three weeks before I got really good at it doing it daily, as part of a routine. I had to train my mind to focus on one point of consiouness, and stay there. If I did it, it can be done.

Anybody else have a better regimen to follow?

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 11:29 pm
by Lukas
ah meditating, helped me find out i was therian (even though it was not the only thing)
morkulv did make a topic on meditating awhile back for those interested ... php?t=6005

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 11:30 pm
by Figarou
Silverclaw wrote: You should open up a stand. There'd be a line and you could just point and go, "Elf"..."Wolf"...."Dragon"..."Human"..."Moose"...ect :wink:

So, what is the right way to meditate? All I'd end up doing is think of the same junk as usual and fall asleep most likely :P
No lines for "wolf." You pick a number and have a seat.


Just do some "channel surfing" in your mind. Or a Google mind search. You're bound to find something. :grinp:

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 12:49 am
by Teh_DarkJokerWolf
Silverclaw wrote:
So, what is the right way to meditate? All I'd end up doing is think of the same junk as usual and fall asleep most likely :P
there are many ways to mediate SilverClaw an one I personally fancy is with soft music. Always consists of flutes an pipes. Coyote Oldman is good for that type of music. I do this indoors myself, but if you can find somewhere outdoors to mediate where you can focus well I would suggest that too. Deep breathing an focusing on nothing else but urself. It's easy for some to clear their minds, but not all.

A good way to help with that is closing ur eyes an taking deep breaths. Into the nose and out of the mouth slowly like when your working out. One thing you must do is find urself. Ur human self, feel that part of you an proceed to search your mind. Wat is ur passion when it comes to the world of animals. Say the wolf, focus on just that. Place your human self with this wolf an see if you connect with it. This goes for all animals or wat you feel ur inner being is. Try starting there first an see wat you can pick up. You must have both aware whether connected with them or not, you must see them both. Human an animal.

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 3:50 am
by Morkulv
Set wrote:
(Note: There is a very prominent figure in the therian community who identifies herself as both a wolf and a dragon.)
She's quite a stuck-up little b****, I had the misfortune of running into her once.
Morkulv wrote:Let me explain what in my opinion the whole term otherkin is and stands for.

(Cut out the rest)
Sounds more like you're describing an animal totem to me.
cumulusprotagonist wrote:Also if reincarnation was a real thing this would explain a strong spiritual connection concerning asthetic taste and the animal the soul liked being the most.
Problem with that is not everyone gets reincarnated. You can be a Therian/Otherkin and still only have one life.
To me, there is no such thing as a 'animal-totem'. If you have a animal in your inner world you either are otherkin or you are creating one yourself.
Set wrote:
cumulusprotagonist wrote:Also if reincarnation was a real thing this would explain a strong spiritual connection concerning asthetic taste and the animal the soul liked being the most.
Problem with that is not everyone gets reincarnated. You can be a Therian/Otherkin and still only have one life.
This is true. Not every soul has a history, there are new souls as well, like myself.
Teh_DarkJokerWolf wrote:
Morkulv wrote:I don't want to offend any therians, but all I've read about therianthropy so far over the last years (and I've read a lot) only makes me mindboggling why so many people within this 'label' (I don't know what else to call it) restrain they'r thoughts to a few basic lines. Or at least, so it seems to me. Maybe I'm wrong.

Let me explain what in my opinion the whole term otherkin is and stands for. Just one thing to point out though; you don't have to believe every word I say, although I have no reason to lie about anything. So don't say I force believes on any of you people, I'm not a nazi.

A otherkin is bluntly put, someone with a second or more (inhuman) soul(s). So that being said, it is a soul you must reason with and get to know him/her. That way, you can train yourself into merging yourself together with that soul (wich is something a lot of otherkin and therians are after, I would say) energetically whenever you want or need to as one. Or you could just take his form using energy. But again, you will need knowledge and practising with working with energy and your chakra's.

To contact your potential otherkin, you can simply use meditations. In those meditations, you have to contact your inner world (every soul has a inner world) to reach to your otherkin (if you at least are otherkin). Otherkin and souls in general can also be created, by somebody who knows what he's doing or simply by yourself wich can also be done on a subconscious level. So your otherkin can also be incomplete, but if you have the right knowledge you can complete your otherkin with energy.
No offense taken at all. This is a good point you have made about meditation. I agree with that you can come in contact with your inner being. Meditation I believe is a very important act that should be done regularly to keep your inner being and ur self in tact. Inhuman soul. Well put I believe because the way most therains believe it is a being within which has a soul as does ur human form, but you are still one. I dunno if that makes any sense. I feel that the inner being and urself are connected at all times an sometimes ur more aware of it then other times. That meditation helps that connection stay strong and that to me says that when that time comes ur connection with that inner being will make the difference. It's more to it then just knowing it's there, but feeling it an experiencing it through as much mental an physcially as possible will help that.
Ofcourse you'r still human, but the way I see it 'true' otherkin are humans in a more... advanced state, without dealing with nazi 'ubermensch' crap or something. :P

And true, meditating is important if you want to keep in touch with your other side, so to say. I'm currently figuring out a way to meditate whenever I want to. It is also good to contact your otherkin-soul since otherkin-souls are more likely to know a lot about your (family)history, because they are usually older then yourself.

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 12:24 am
by MoonKit
Silverclaw wrote:
Complete bull. I know a 'therian', 'elf', 'vampire' or 'faerie' as soon as I see it an they recognize me immediatly. Sometimes its not easy to pinpoint exactly what they are without stereotypical clues (ex. were with a wolf shirt or vampire in all black) but you know (or at least I do) that they are different right off the bat. I can even pinpoint people who dont yet know what they are.
You should open up a stand. There'd be a line and you could just point and go, "Elf"..."Wolf"...."Dragon"..."Human"..."Moose"...ect :wink:

Sorry. Didnt intend to sound so mean about it. :oops: :lol:

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 1:46 pm
by Not Quite Human
Ah! So there are other therians on this site. In retrospect, I should've mentioned it in my introduction, though I wasn't sure if it was appropriate. That and well, I didn't know there were others here.
Is there a dedicated thread to therianthropy on here?

I like the little resource though, it's quite informative.

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 3:38 pm
by Lukas
this is pretty much it, therians make up a good portion of this website though,

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 4:07 pm
by RedEye
We do? What makes you think that? :lol:

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 4:33 pm
by Lukas
RedEye wrote:We do? What makes you think that? :lol:
if im wrong, we are atleast some of the most active members on the website 8)

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 5:15 pm
by Searif
Hm, seems like a good source, if I ever find myself being asked about Therians or about myself being a Therian, I will probably refer to it =3