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Matters of Opinion

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 6:01 pm
by WolvenOne
I know that I'm not an administrator or anything, so what I'm about to say isn't binding in any way shape or form. However, I feel it has to be said, because I feel that i'm seeing a bit too much of this.

We, as represenetives of the werewolf fans, should not try to pressure the movie makers to do things our way or the high way. We're a fairly large group now, and we have a fairly wide veriety of views, however I've seen many people treat thier own views as the only correct views, and that anybody elses view is, simply nutso.

Of course, I may be guilty of this myself, but I try not to fall into this trap. You're all free to point out my shortcomings if you feel so inclined as to do so.

Anyhow, an example of what I'm reffering to here would be a statement to the effect of, "werewolves MUST be four legged drooling monsters or this movie WILL fail."

Statements, such as these, are unfair to the group as a whole, and only serve to delegitimize anybody else whom holds thier views.

So, I would suggest that everybody keep in mind that thier opinions are just that, opinions.

Anyhow, I may delete this entry after awhile, as I feel I may be out of line by writing all this. Hopefully this is all okay though.

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 10:28 pm
by Vuldari
I wholeheartedly agree. What I say, and what any of us says, is just an individual opinion. I too feel I should appologise in advance for acting as if I know better than anyone else, (for I'm sure I will do it, if I haven't allready). In the end, we just have to trust that the people behind this project know what they are doing and will make an entertaining film...even if it may not be "exactly" what you or I would have made, or wanted it, to be.