ABrownrigg wrote:I wish for 200 million ticket sales on the freeborn film, in the way that I Imagine it.
ABrownrigg wrote:The screwed up wish,... by Terastas..., I'd like to point out, comes true. It sells 1 ticket a year. As a result, there is no sequel, and the DVD has no special features, and no comentary, no soundtrack release, and the pack site itself becomes a joke because it obvoiusly failed to give the fans what they wanted, and is eventually hacked, and deleted by a disgruntled fan named Marty.
You're not supposed to help corrupt your own wish Anthony.
Terestas wrote:I wish for new episodes of Brimstone.
(...I never saw that show , so I don't know much about it but...)
Season two of Brimstone premeirs tonight...However...after watching it, you are totally bummed because the entire original cast has been replaced by pretty faced but untalented shmucks, and the show basicly sucks. It really does not even feel like the same show and actually
Deserves to be cancelled, except the network signed a contract in reponse to a large petition made by fans to keep the show on the air for a full two more seasons...guaranteing that a prime TV block will be filled by a $#^@ show for the next two years. Thanks alot Terestas.
I wish I had a million dollar mansion to live in with a lifetimes worth of paid rent, utilities, food and new clothes, plus a full staff of skilled and loyal servants at my service.