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Uniform Two Six
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Post by Uniform Two Six »

A new werewolf action(ish) movie is coming out starring Jason Momoa click here. The trailer actually looks sort of cool. It's probably going to be light on story, or plot, or writing -- but the fight scenes look sort of good. If the reviews are good (it's coming out in mid-November) I might even go see it in the theater.
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Re: Wolves

Post by Chris »

I haven't heard very good things about it. To me it looks like a cross between Teen Wolf and Skinwalkers, with a typical plot; teen/young adult finds out/gets turned into a werewolf, gets embroiled in a war between two sides and has to help stop the evil aggressors. But hey, this is different and edgy because it's got a werewolf sex scene (sarcasm). The werewolf designs also look kinda crummy, going for a hairy wolfman style -- personally, I like my werewolves to vaguely resemble wolves, instead of someone who hasn't shaved in a while.
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Uniform Two Six
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Re: Wolves

Post by Uniform Two Six »

Are you kidding? It's got a Dothraki werewolf. How can that not be awesome?
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Uniform Two Six
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Re: Wolves

Post by Uniform Two Six »

Well, it took me forever, but I finally got a chance to see this thing. My take:

Eh. It wasn't actually that bad. Frankly, it was a ton better than most werewolf movies out there (not that that says much), but it was a good popcorn flick. Yeah, the "cat-people" werewolf design was not my favorite part of the flick, but really, they looked better than most of the creature effects out there. The story, while not great, at least had some actual plot to it.

It was not the greatest movie out there, but it's a passable werewolf flick, and that's actually sort of rare these days, so I'd have actually paid money to see it in the theaters if it had actually come out there (which it did not).
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