Castle of Lycans

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Castle of Lycans

Post by Cain »

//kay, this is a new rpg obviously, thhe theme is back in medevil times, a young female knight who is one of the best, turns out to be a werewolf who was exiled from her pack, who meets the new best night who also is a male werewolf thats an outcast. Have funn!//

Name: Amber Cain
Race: Werewolf
Appearence: Short dark hair, sideswept bangs, slim with muscular build, color-changing eyes; from pitch black to a bright amber color, when not on guard or fighting wears loose tan tunic and baggy brown pants that end right below her knees.
Personality: Is a natrual born leader and fighter, likes to run and hunt, protective and loyal, enjoys playing out in the moonlight, constantly battles with herself over why she was exiled for protecting humans.
History: Was the alpha female of her pack until her mate betrayed her with another and accused her of betraying he race. Has been looking for a new mate, but has been unsuccessful.


Amber stood on top of the highest tower, keeping watch for any danger that threatens her home.

"Cain! Get down here, there's a new knight i want you to meet. Now." I leapt down and landed with grace to where the king stood. "Sir, it is highly dangerous for yourself to be out in the open and not in the castle." I felt a huge hand strike my face and I fell to the ground...

//okay, the male knight is already taken, so if amyone reads this before he does, you cannot be the knight.//
To live the life I live, as a polymorphic old soul trapped within a teenage body, is very hectic. I am not normal, nor will I ever be. Don't try to control me, seeing as I will be defiant and do things my own way. I am passionate about roller skating and wakeboarding, those are my outlets. I try to stay out of trouble, most of the time it works.(;
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Re: Castle of Lycans

Post by Enir »

Name: Enir Shadowfang
Race: Werewolf at age of 5( in "were" form he stands on digigrades)

Gender: Male

Alliances: To the king and his people.
Primary Skills: Marksmanship,swordsmanship,Camo skills, blacksmith/weapon maker.
Secondary Skills: Creative/resourceful, fiercely loyal, vary deffensive, and quicker regeneration(think wolveine from the first X-men movie in the bar at the begining.)

History: Was raised in a small village in the far northern corner of the kingdom. When he was 5 a rouge pack of werewolves attacked and destryoed the village. During the attack he was bitten and was belieaved to be dead. Now he is the last of his people. From then to the age of 16 he lived with a small pack of wandering werewolves. He had to teach himself everything he needed to know in order to survive the in the cold world that he was left in. Now 17 he has taken revenge on the pack that had destroyed his village and his life. And because of this he was cast out as a slayer of his own kind. Now he makes his living by being the king's champion knight and deffending the kingdom for it's mortal and immortal enemies.

Description: 7.5ft, 207.5lbs, Dark black fur, and has greyish green eyes with a small golden ring around the pupils.

Personality: Generaly polite, has a strong will to help those in danger, fiercely loyal to his few friends, vary deffensive. Do to his deffencive nature he is neer imposible to fool or trick.

Gear: On Duty; Sword, shield, bolos, knife, and a bow. Wears a suit of armour made of chain mail, steel plateing, and animal hides.
Off Duty; 7ft. Staff. Green T-tunic with brown pants.

Age: Human years 17
Werewolf Years 119

Enir grabed the king's wrist gentaly but firmly and told him " Forgive me o king, but that is not how you should reward loyalty and care from a knight who has risked her life to deffend you." Enir then helped the knight up. "Are you okay?" Enir then shook her hand and said " Hello, iam Sir Enir Shadowfang from the far north. Just then his keen sence of smell picked up the scent of a female werewolf comeing from the other knight.

He then turned to the king and said " With all do respect my lord, I think you should probably go back inside and prepare for the feast, the other knight here can finish my tour when she finishes her shift at the wall. Then after the king had left for the castle he turned and looked at the other knight. "Please forgive me but I did not catch your name, what was it?"

OOC: I hope I was right in guessing that it was the king who hit your character. O and if there is any changes you want made to my character please let me know.
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Re: Castle of Lycans

Post by Cain »

"My name's Amber Cain. By no means am I bragging, but I am the second best knight here. Thanks, but if my lord feels i must be punished, he has the right to do so." I noticed his scent, //A male werewolf, no wonder the king likes him.// I smile and tell him to wait for me outside the gates when my shift was over, then i went back.

I hear the bell for the end of my shift and bolt off to change. I grabbed a clean tunic, and my best brown pants. I grabbed my staff my mother gave me before she died, and ran to the gates...

((Hey, your characters fine, and yeah, it was the king.))
To live the life I live, as a polymorphic old soul trapped within a teenage body, is very hectic. I am not normal, nor will I ever be. Don't try to control me, seeing as I will be defiant and do things my own way. I am passionate about roller skating and wakeboarding, those are my outlets. I try to stay out of trouble, most of the time it works.(;
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Re: Castle of Lycans

Post by Enir »

After agreeing to meet Amber at the gates later I went to the local smith shop to see about getting a sharpening stone for my sword and knife. The local smith was a bit curious but he new I was also a blade maker and sold it to me fairly cheap. After spending a few hours repairing and cleaning my weapons I heard the bell toll for the shift change at the castle. I quickly threw on my tunic and pants, grabed my staff and headed for the main gate to the castle. When I got there she was already waiting. She had on a tunic and what looked like a pair of pants cut off at the knees, and she also weilded a staff.

"Greetings Amber, were would you like to take me first? I have already found the smith's shop and the market. Secretly Enir was hopeing he would have a chance to figure out how the she-wolf had ended up here and also how she had became a knight. Hopeing she was wanting to have the same questions answered about him, he threw out the (bait) and said, "Or we could just skip the tour and do some training in the woods and see who is really the better knight? And I over heard some villagers talking about bandits camping in the woods near here.

"Your choice, o and about our discusion earlier, I don't care if he see's fit to hang you, you shouldn't be treated that way after all the times you have risked your life to save his and his family. When someone risks there life to save your's you should show them respect and honor."
Enir Shadowfang [img]C://Documents%20and%20Settings/All%20Users/Documents/Thersha.jpg[/img] [img]C://Documents%20and%20Settings/Enir%20the%20%20Werewolf/Documents/My%20Pictures/into_werewolf_returns.gif[/img]
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Location: Florida

Re: Castle of Lycans

Post by Cain »

When he asked me if we could go out in the woods, I was the happiest wolf in the world. Its been weeks since I've been out there.

"Lets go to the woods, race ya!" I say and bolt off, him right on my tail seconds later.
To live the life I live, as a polymorphic old soul trapped within a teenage body, is very hectic. I am not normal, nor will I ever be. Don't try to control me, seeing as I will be defiant and do things my own way. I am passionate about roller skating and wakeboarding, those are my outlets. I try to stay out of trouble, most of the time it works.(;
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Re: Castle of Lycans

Post by Enir »

After running through the village and into the woods we stoped at a small clearing. "This looks like a good place to rest for a bit." I was surprised at how out of shape I was, and I promised myself that I would go running more often. Then I looked around to make sure that no one else was there. Finnaly I asked in a curious tone "You are a werewolf arn't you?" "You can tell me the truth, Iam not hunting werewolves, and iam not going to go telling everone either."
Enir Shadowfang [img]C://Documents%20and%20Settings/All%20Users/Documents/Thersha.jpg[/img] [img]C://Documents%20and%20Settings/Enir%20the%20%20Werewolf/Documents/My%20Pictures/into_werewolf_returns.gif[/img]
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Mood: Disappointed
Location: Florida

Re: Castle of Lycans

Post by Cain »

I looked around, and grinned. I let out a loud playful growl, shifted, and pounced on him. We wrestled for about two hours, and then i just fell on my back into the grass, laughing. "If... If you don't mind my asking, how did you become a werewolf? And why are you here as a knight? You'd be the perfect alpha male." I look at him with great curiousity, and remember why I am here, and not with a pack. I look away, and the tears began streaming down my face...
To live the life I live, as a polymorphic old soul trapped within a teenage body, is very hectic. I am not normal, nor will I ever be. Don't try to control me, seeing as I will be defiant and do things my own way. I am passionate about roller skating and wakeboarding, those are my outlets. I try to stay out of trouble, most of the time it works.(;
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Re: Castle of Lycans

Post by Enir »

A feeling of worry over took me. I did not like to see her not happy. I decided I would answer her questions and ask mine later. "Well since no one is around and it's dark enough that no one would see me anyways I think I will do something I have been hesitating to do for a while" I then went behind a bush undressed and shifted into my werewolf form. Then apon returning I explianed as the questioning look registered on her face. "I don't want to rip my cloths, they are one of the few things I have left from the 'incident'."

"I went and layed down on the grass beside her and looked at the stars. "It all hapened when I was 5. It was dark out and everyone was going to bed when all of a sudden there were screams and yelling and howling comeing from the village elders house, and then all of a sudden a werewolf ripped through the side of our home and attacked me. My parents tried in vain to kill the creature. It ended up killing them. It thought I was a gonner so it left to do it's vial biding with the others. I passed out from the pain, then the next morning I awoke to a completely healed body and a tail."

"I was scared at first but I was found by a wondering clan of elder werewolves who sheltered me until I took my revenge on the rouges who killed my family and my village. For this reason they cast me out saying I had betrayed my own kind and was a threat to all lycans. But in light of the fact that I was in the right they decided to spare my life and let me travel. And as far as becomeing the body guard of the king, 'who by the way doesn't know iam a werewolf as well', I caught a group of bandits that had been evadeing capture for years all by my self, and as a reward I was given the position of knight from which I advanced quickly. No one knew how I was able to move so fast or track so well, or even how I stayed warm when they all froze in the winter. "

Feeling the sorrow build inside me I decided to try and change the subject before I could no longer hold it in. "So what brings a lone female werewolf out of her pack and into the service of someone who seams to think it's okay to beat her?
Enir Shadowfang [img]C://Documents%20and%20Settings/All%20Users/Documents/Thersha.jpg[/img] [img]C://Documents%20and%20Settings/Enir%20the%20%20Werewolf/Documents/My%20Pictures/into_werewolf_returns.gif[/img]
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Mood: Disappointed
Location: Florida

Re: Castle of Lycans

Post by Cain »

I looked at him, and said; "I was alpha female, a while ago, until my ex-mate betryed me with another female, then accused me of betraying my own kind when i saved the king from him. He exiled me, an the king took me in, gave me a home, and trained me. Him and the queen are the only humans that know of my lycanthropy. The king is like my father, he has the right to punish me as he must. I love it here, though i hate feeling alone and betrayed." I look above, seeing the cresent moon shine and the bright stars. I sit up and howl, honouring the moon and her gift of life to myself, and the gift of a new friend. Then i laued back down, mumble a small " goodnight" and fall fast asleep.
To live the life I live, as a polymorphic old soul trapped within a teenage body, is very hectic. I am not normal, nor will I ever be. Don't try to control me, seeing as I will be defiant and do things my own way. I am passionate about roller skating and wakeboarding, those are my outlets. I try to stay out of trouble, most of the time it works.(;
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Re: Castle of Lycans

Post by Enir »

Noticeing she had fallen asleep I gathered our things and hid them. I then moved her to the other side of a fallen tree a few feet in from the clearing so anyone hunting in the morning would not be as likely to see us. I looked down at her, she looked so peaceful and I had to admit to myself, I liked her. I layed down and thought to myself. 'How would the king react then if I showed him I was also a werewolf, would he welcome me or would he think I was just here for her and have me banned from his castle or worse, executed.

I was unsur of how this would all work out, or if she even liked me. All I knew was I had to be careful around the king until I knew how he would react. And I would have to figure out how amber felt about me, weither she just wanted to be friends or if she had intentions of being my mate. Feeling tiered of all this thinking, I decided to finaly go to sleep.
Enir Shadowfang [img]C://Documents%20and%20Settings/All%20Users/Documents/Thersha.jpg[/img] [img]C://Documents%20and%20Settings/Enir%20the%20%20Werewolf/Documents/My%20Pictures/into_werewolf_returns.gif[/img]
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Mood: Disappointed
Location: Florida

Re: Castle of Lycans

Post by Cain »

I woke up, to a very warm and soft pillow. I open my eyes and see Enir sleeping. //He is kinda cute...//
I thought for a minute, then snuggled futher into his chest and fell asleep once more.
To live the life I live, as a polymorphic old soul trapped within a teenage body, is very hectic. I am not normal, nor will I ever be. Don't try to control me, seeing as I will be defiant and do things my own way. I am passionate about roller skating and wakeboarding, those are my outlets. I try to stay out of trouble, most of the time it works.(;
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Re: Castle of Lycans

Post by Enir »

I woke up to the sun in my eyes and a vary friendly and soft furred she-wolf laying on my chest. I would have loved to juswt keep on laying there but I was already late for my shift on the castle walls. I gentally shook her awake and then went back behind a bush to dress. When I came back she was already dressed and in human form. "Well I think we need to get back now." "Iam already late and that's not a good thing when your someone who is easyly noticed when missing." "But maybe we can meet once again at the end of your shift." I had fun, it's been a while since I have been able to show anyone my true form."

OOC: Are you going to do the role of king as well still? Iam terrible at multi-person posting.
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Location: Florida

Re: Castle of Lycans

Post by Cain »

OOC: uh, im no good either... Lol.

I got dressed after he woke me gently. He asked me if we could meet again after our shifts.

"I wouldn't mind at all, Enir. It'd be nice to get away from all the madness." i walked with him back to the castle, gave him a quick hug and before he cpuld register what i just did, i was gone.
To live the life I live, as a polymorphic old soul trapped within a teenage body, is very hectic. I am not normal, nor will I ever be. Don't try to control me, seeing as I will be defiant and do things my own way. I am passionate about roller skating and wakeboarding, those are my outlets. I try to stay out of trouble, most of the time it works.(;
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Re: Castle of Lycans

Post by Enir »

I ran to the barracks and got on my gear and armour. Then after I finished I went to my post at the gate entrance were I was assigned to make sure no one got in that shouldn't be inside. It was so boring haveing to check everyones carts and make sure there papers were correct. It was around late afternoon before my replacement came, he was a chubby fellow and probably didn't frequent the showers much do to the vile stench that floated from him. I quickly said thanks and left to go change. But when I arrived I was confronted by the king.

King: I saw you come in late this afternoon. How is a knight supossed to take care of his king if he is not there?
Enir: Iam sorry kin..... all of a sudden his hand slapt across my face. I was surprised and angered at the same time. But I still had some control, and kept myself from doing anything.
King: Don't interupt your king! Now tell me where were you?
Enir: I was out in the woods your highness.
King: And why did you come in with Sir Cain at noon? What were you to doing?
Enir: She came and got me so I wouldn't miss my shift sir. That is all.
King: That will do for now but mark my words Sir Enir, if you miss your shift again I will have you replaced and order Sir Cain to kill you for betraying your king.

After the king left I went to eat then I returned to my post. It was a quite day after that. When my shift was done I went to the barracks and changed into my off duty clothes and grabed my staff. When I got to the door I saw that Amber was already waitng for me. "Hey, would you like to come over to my place and have a drink?" I asked, turning slightly to the left so she wouldn't se the red mark left over from when the king had slapped me.

OOC: I thought I would give it a shot but I think you should probably do the king from now on.
Enir Shadowfang [img]C://Documents%20and%20Settings/All%20Users/Documents/Thersha.jpg[/img] [img]C://Documents%20and%20Settings/Enir%20the%20%20Werewolf/Documents/My%20Pictures/into_werewolf_returns.gif[/img]
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Mood: Disappointed
Location: Florida

Re: Castle of Lycans

Post by Cain »

OOC: I'll try...

Enir turned his face, hoping I wouldn't see where the king had striked him. I turned his head towards mine, and kissed the tender skin. It healed swiftly, and i was too fascinated to realize how close we were. I took my hand away fast, and looked down. "I'm sorry," I said softly. There was a slightly awkward pause between us for a few minutes, then I said; "Um, drinks you say?" I say, trying to get rid of the awkwardness.
To live the life I live, as a polymorphic old soul trapped within a teenage body, is very hectic. I am not normal, nor will I ever be. Don't try to control me, seeing as I will be defiant and do things my own way. I am passionate about roller skating and wakeboarding, those are my outlets. I try to stay out of trouble, most of the time it works.(;
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Custom Title: SilverSkater
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Additional Details: I'm a polymorphic writer and model. I'm interested in Lycanthropy, Therianthropy, and any other mythology related to shapeshifting.
Mood: Disappointed
Location: Florida

Re: Castle of Lycans

Post by Cain »

OOC: This is Amber.
To live the life I live, as a polymorphic old soul trapped within a teenage body, is very hectic. I am not normal, nor will I ever be. Don't try to control me, seeing as I will be defiant and do things my own way. I am passionate about roller skating and wakeboarding, those are my outlets. I try to stay out of trouble, most of the time it works.(;
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Re: Castle of Lycans

Post by Enir »

When she kissed me my heart soared. "No, it's alright, and besides, as soon as I find a time to change forms again it will heal and disapear." "And yes I did say drinks, I have this really amazing drink from a far away land that I was given for saveing a traders life." "Now I buy it when ever I can, it is called tea." "Alright well if we are going to get there before dark we had better move." We started walking toward my den and along the way I noticed to my surprise that half the time we were holding hands. I rather enjoyed it to, which was another thing that surprised me. I could no longer hold it in, as soon as we get to my den iam going to ask her how she feels about me.
Enir Shadowfang [img]C://Documents%20and%20Settings/All%20Users/Documents/Thersha.jpg[/img] [img]C://Documents%20and%20Settings/Enir%20the%20%20Werewolf/Documents/My%20Pictures/into_werewolf_returns.gif[/img]
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Mood: Disappointed
Location: Florida

Re: Castle of Lycans

Post by Cain »

We held hands on the way to his den. When we got there, i got the courage to ask him a question thats been buggin me severely. "Enir, do you.... do you like me?"
To live the life I live, as a polymorphic old soul trapped within a teenage body, is very hectic. I am not normal, nor will I ever be. Don't try to control me, seeing as I will be defiant and do things my own way. I am passionate about roller skating and wakeboarding, those are my outlets. I try to stay out of trouble, most of the time it works.(;
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Re: Castle of Lycans

Post by Enir »

Just the fact that she asked that question confirmed my hopes. "Yes I do, I like you alot." I opened the door and waited for her to enter. Once inside I put the pot of water on the hook over the fire. "Fire and fur don't usually mix that well but Iam careful enough to not get burnt or caught on fire." When I handed Amber her cup and I watched her take a sip, I knew from that point on I had fallen in love with her. "So what would you like to do tonight?"
Enir Shadowfang [img]C://Documents%20and%20Settings/All%20Users/Documents/Thersha.jpg[/img] [img]C://Documents%20and%20Settings/Enir%20the%20%20Werewolf/Documents/My%20Pictures/into_werewolf_returns.gif[/img]
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Mood: Disappointed
Location: Florida

Re: Castle of Lycans

Post by Cain »

I was happy, maybe, i wasn't destined to be alone for the rest of my life. "I don't know. But I like you too."
To live the life I live, as a polymorphic old soul trapped within a teenage body, is very hectic. I am not normal, nor will I ever be. Don't try to control me, seeing as I will be defiant and do things my own way. I am passionate about roller skating and wakeboarding, those are my outlets. I try to stay out of trouble, most of the time it works.(;
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Re: Castle of Lycans

Post by Enir »

"Well we could maybe go out for a walk tonight." I wasn't sure what it was or why I felt like shifting right on the spot and takleing her but I almost couldn't hold it in. "It's up to you, and as long as iam not late again for my shift I don't really care what we do." the warmth and joy of her being there was enough to make my tail wag (if I was shifted). "There is something I must tell you, and then I want to ask you a question."

"Both are about the king." So I sat there and told her what happened in the barracks and that I almost couldn't keep myself from shifting and slaping him. "I have never had that happen before, usually Iam able to handle my temper, but...... I think it might be because iam around you." "It's hard to explain but I hope you understand what iam getting at." "If you think I should do it I will go to the king privately and show him what I truely am,but iam not sure what reaction he will have."

"He could do a few things, first he could have me put to death, if he thought I was just here for you, or even worse he might demand that you kill me, or he could do many other cruel things." "He sees you as sort of a pet rather than an individual, and thus he is probably vary possesive of you" "And thats also part of why I think I have trouble with my temper around him, I feel vary protective of you and I guess the main part of me sees him as a danger to you." Feeling vary confused and down I sat there silently and stared at the cup in my hands.
Enir Shadowfang [img]C://Documents%20and%20Settings/All%20Users/Documents/Thersha.jpg[/img] [img]C://Documents%20and%20Settings/Enir%20the%20%20Werewolf/Documents/My%20Pictures/into_werewolf_returns.gif[/img]
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Additional Details: I'm a polymorphic writer and model. I'm interested in Lycanthropy, Therianthropy, and any other mythology related to shapeshifting.
Mood: Disappointed
Location: Florida

Re: Castle of Lycans

Post by Cain »

I looked at him as he explained. When he finished, I kissed him.

"If he tries anything, I'll rip him to shreds and anyone that tries to stop me or go near you. Mine" i say softly.
To live the life I live, as a polymorphic old soul trapped within a teenage body, is very hectic. I am not normal, nor will I ever be. Don't try to control me, seeing as I will be defiant and do things my own way. I am passionate about roller skating and wakeboarding, those are my outlets. I try to stay out of trouble, most of the time it works.(;
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Re: Castle of Lycans

Post by Enir »

Feeling like I had less to worry about I decided I was going to tell the king tommorow. Feeling tierd I told her " Thank you for the reasureance, but I need to get some rest, your welcome to stay as long as you like, or join me if you want." I felt sort of odd about offering to share my bed so soon but I didn't want to be rude and shove her out the door either, and besides iam sure her pack slept together as a group anyways, or at least my old one did. Then before she could reply I removed my human clothes and shifted, the went to go lay down.

My sleeping spot was actually under the house. I had made a small room on the side of the house that was hidden. And inside that room I hide the tunnel that went down to my den. There was no need for lights or fire do to the natural fosphoresents glowing from the rotting pine roots. It was a homey and earthy feeling that seamed to sooth me. I then layed down the matt of pine needles I had brought down when I first made the place and made sure to lay far to the one side in case she did decide to join me.
Enir Shadowfang [img]C://Documents%20and%20Settings/All%20Users/Documents/Thersha.jpg[/img] [img]C://Documents%20and%20Settings/Enir%20the%20%20Werewolf/Documents/My%20Pictures/into_werewolf_returns.gif[/img]
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Additional Details: I'm a polymorphic writer and model. I'm interested in Lycanthropy, Therianthropy, and any other mythology related to shapeshifting.
Mood: Disappointed
Location: Florida

Re: Castle of Lycans

Post by Cain »

I followed him and shifted, laying next to him. "night Enir..." i say as i drifted off into a long nightmare...
To live the life I live, as a polymorphic old soul trapped within a teenage body, is very hectic. I am not normal, nor will I ever be. Don't try to control me, seeing as I will be defiant and do things my own way. I am passionate about roller skating and wakeboarding, those are my outlets. I try to stay out of trouble, most of the time it works.(;
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Posts: 963
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Re: Castle of Lycans

Post by Enir »

I was suddenly awakened by a sharp pain in my arm, and when I went to move it I couldn't so I looked at what was holding it down and I saw to my surprise that Amber was in wolf form beside me and she was haveing such a terrible nightmare that she had accidentally bitten my arm. In oreder to keep her from hurting me or her self I wraped both arms around her and started trying to calm her. "Shh....Shhh... shhh, it will be alright Amber your safe, your haveing a nightmare." "it's me Enir, you stayed the night at my den." "You are safe, it's only a dream, your okay." then she slwoly awoke and was a bit calmer, then she noticed my arm bleeding all over the pine needle matt.
Enir Shadowfang [img]C://Documents%20and%20Settings/All%20Users/Documents/Thersha.jpg[/img] [img]C://Documents%20and%20Settings/Enir%20the%20%20Werewolf/Documents/My%20Pictures/into_werewolf_returns.gif[/img]
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