This article made me physically sick.

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Post by BlackWolfDS »

You think that's bad?
Take a look at this:

"The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) recently reduced federal protections for the gray wolf under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). Previously listed as "endangered" in most of the lower 48 states, the gray wolf has been downlisted to "threatened." USFWS also plans to begin the process of removing federal protections entirely for wolves in all areas of the United States, other than a handful of southwestern states.

Once wolves are no longer protected by the ESA, their management will be turned over to the states in which they are currently found. Unfortunately, the management plans drafted by these states would allow for what many conservationists and protectionists consider to be unnecessary and liberal wolf killings by hunters, trappers, and ranchers who feel that the wolves threaten their livestock.

The final rule released by the USFWS to describe the wolf's reduced federal protections is complicated and is described elsewhere on our site (see link below). Below we examine the management techniques and population issues integral to understanding why gray wolves should not lose any federal protections." ... sting.html

This brings me to a whole new level of pissed.

Here's something else: ... 83c751.txt
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Post by KittyRose »

This is terrible, absolutly terrible news :cry: I can't believe people would actually allow all this to happen.

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Post by Fang »

:x Son of a mother f*** b**** :x Damnit! why the hell are they so stupid? I mean come on, go to your congressman someone do something
God leave nature alone! Humans have raped the earth for way too long :x
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Post by Lukas »

its to late to leave Nature alone now, so stop acting like if we just leave now that everything will get better now, we to intertwined to get out fang so just saying, get out of natures way, will only hurt everyone, nature and us(techincal we are part of nature anyway since we are a type of species)
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Post by Fullmoonstar »

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Post by Dreamer »

Where the hell are the people protesting this?!

Silly me, I forgot. People stopped doing things like that in the 80's, when people stopped giving a f**k and realised that you can't fight the man, because he owns you all and is in the pockets of the lobbyists. I sometimes wish for a K Street Maascare >:-). Off topic, but I wanted to vent.
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Post by John Wolf »

The Wolves have not done anything to deserve this sentence. :x
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